Audrey Tritto with Roberto Ferrari, Baffo dog, Gianluca Friggione and Davide De Marinis |
Ieri sono stata ospite del programma di Roberto Ferrari, storico conduttore radiofonico di radio DeeJay e Deejay television, per un programma di intrattenimento in onda da Milano e disponibile in streaming and on demand sulla web tv
Bestvision.tv e sulla app
Yesterday i 'was host of the program by Roberto Ferrari, historic speaker and dj of radio Deejay an Deejay television, for an entertainment program broadcasted from Milan and available for streaming on the web and on-demand TV and Bestvision.tv and robertoferrari.tv (avaible also in appstore)
Audrey Tritto with Roberto Ferrari and Gianluca Gillone and (left) Davide De Marinis and Valentino Marmino
Audrey Tritto with Roberto Ferrari (right) and Gianluca Gillone Business Developer Bestvision.tv |