aprile 2016 | AudreyWorldNews fashion luxury lifestyle


100 Years of Bmw - The Swiss celebration

100 Years of BMW

In the human world, 100 years mean a sort of record reached by few chosens. A period in which horizons tend to disappear, buried by some memories of an existence that has seen alternating big epochal changes in the history of the human being.  

On the contrary the BMW 100 years, even if they are part of this history, become the ability to dream and imagine the future using the past as a memory of values hidden in the field of history which has to be investigate, analyzed and depht digged to collect its priceless value.

La prima Motocicletta BMW, - modello R32 -  esposto al salone dell’automobile di Parigi del 1923.

100 Anni di BMW

100 anni nel mondo degli umani sono il segno di un record raggiunto da pochi eletti in cui, gli orizzonti tendono a scomparire, sommersi dai ricordi di una esistenza che ha visto avvicendarsi grandi cambiamenti epocali della storia dell’uomo.
I 100 anni di BMW al contrario, pur essendo parte di questa storia, diventano capacità di sognare e di immaginare il futuro utilizzando il passato come memoria di valori, nascosti nel terreno della storia, da ricercare, approfondire e scavare a fondo, per raccoglierne il valore inestimabile.

Realized by generations of men who believed in passion for technology, the history of BMW has become collective memory, an example of human intelligence and of his ability to explore unimaginable horizons.

Costruita da generazioni di uomini che hanno creduto nella passione per la tecnologia, la storia BMW è divenuta memoria collettiva, esempio dell'ingegno umano e della sua capacità di esplorare orizzonti inimmaginabili.



Chanel 2016 fall winter - incredible guests at the Paris Grand Palais fashion show


The Chanel fashion show is the show where you feel like the world of Chanel is something higher and reserved for beings of a planet for  "special" people that go "beyond fashion" and living Chanel as the "liturgy" of the celebration of a "Mystic" what is more than real.



The Steve McCurry World - Dive into the sea of life


Whenever it happens, and luckily this happens often, to me it is like a rebirth: a dive into the sea of life, beyond its usual dimension.

Despite they are very far from my world made of bright lights, full of glamorous reflections, Steve’s images help me to come back to Earth showing up, when I least expect it, the truth of life, making me reflecting and rearranging my world  by placing in its proper perspective "humanity", that I feel I can easily lose along the fragility of my existence.

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